Are you committed to being the best version of yourself?
Are you ready to get out of fight or flight mode and connect to your intuition and inner peace? Are you ready to embrace your sovereignty and expand to allow more Abundance, joy, and love in?
Join Abundant & Aligned society and join in on the magic!

You don't do inner work, reach a place of enlightenment, and then you're there forever. It's a practice. It's a lifestyle. This membership keeps you accountable, so you can operate from a place of Alignment and Abundance!

The Tools
Receive text messages that provide motivation and a reminder to come back to a place of peace. Receive energy updates, guided meditations, Sound Therapy recordings, and journal exercises to help you navigate your emotions.

Feel Supported
This membership will help you connect back to your body, even in a society where we have so many things causing us to disconnect from ourselves and each other. This is a reminder that you are not alone and to enjoy the journey.
Balance your Chakras
As a member, you will receive a new Sound Therapy recording designed to balance the Chakras and align your body for well-being. Every recording or Guided Vocal Journaling exercise will focus on something different. As a member, you have access to a Members Only portal that will have a catalog of recordings with the option to download them directly to your device.
I am so glad I joined Abundant & Aligned society because these messages support my morning routine in such a powerful way and help to set the perfect intention. Some remind me of things I know that bear repeating, some bring new ideas that support my growth, and others help me understand the bigger picture in life and my relationship to it.
The sound bowl meditations that are sometimes linked in the messages are always a welcomed surprise and I do them instantly because I feel such a lift from them.
If you’re considering joining, do it. The weekly messages can support a renewed morning routine, more mindfulness, relaxation, better self knowing, and so much more that you may not even yet realize.
Kristin Thomas
Energetic Self-Care
It's common to focus on self-care for our physical health, even our emotional health. However, what are you doing for energetic self-care?
We are energetic beings and the law of attraction is always working. So, what is your energy drawing to you? What energy are you giving off? Are you protecting your energy?
As an Abundant & Aligned Society member you have access to a vault of recordings and exercises to remind you to check in, release what is not serving you, and return to a place of peace and love.
New guided meditations and exercises are constantly being added to the vault to provide accountability along your journey.

I have been following Niajae and her content for around 2 years and have gotten so much value from it.
When the opportunity came to join Abundant & Aligned Society, at first I was reluctant. After thinking about it, I decided to take the leap because isn’t not wanting to, the exact opposite of being abundant?
I also believe in the law of reciprocity and wanted to give back to Niajae after all the knowledge she has poured into me in her unpaid content.
HERE'S THE THING! I wasn’t entirely ready for how it would expand my thinking. When you put a lens of abundance into your day and start asking “why not, why not me? How could I accomplish this dream?” It is incredible what you realize you are capable and worthy of, and actually want.
I highly recommend this for anyone who is running into a ceiling of achievement, mental block, or feeling complacent in any way.
Cody Limberger