Somatic Sound Therapy™
for Self-Healing
Learn how to use Himalayan Sound Bowls on your body, in the privacy of your own home for healing, expansion, and overall wellness.
Our bodies are not repairing how they're designed to because we have so many tech devices and wifi emitting EMF (electromagnetic field/ radiation). This is causing disruption in our cellular regeneration, endocrine system, and nervous system. That is why we have so many autoimmune diseases, cancers, fertility issues, and gut issues.
We need something to help our bodies combat the enormous amount of EMF we are taking in on a daily basis.
This program will teach you how having a bowl at home and consistently using it will help your cells repair, improving your physical health as well as your mental and emotional health.
If you have any questions please email [email protected]
This training includes easy to follow modules, with text, video instruction, and guided meditations.
The modules will include
-What is Somatic Sound Therapy™
-The history of Himalayan singing bowls
-How to purchase the right type of bowl and mallet
-Understanding the nervous system and how the bowls help repair it
-Emotions & where they show up in the body
-How to place the bowl on the body
-Best practices when using your bowl
-How to clear your energy field
-A catalog of meditations to use with the bowls
-Tracking results
-Journal exercises

Can Somatic Sound Therapy™ help you build confidence?
The answer is yes! This training will teach you how to connect to your body and intuition. As a result you will gain clarity, confidence, and courage.
This training will also help you understand how Himalayan bowls helps with physical pain and inflammation.
This training is good for anyone who values their well-being.
We live in a fast paced society full of EMF, chemicals in our food, poor air quality. Not to mention the state of our nervous systems after the pandemic. Including Somatic Sound Therapy™ in your daily routine will improve your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.
This training is great for men and women.
There is a section on healing the Sacral Chakra for men which can help with libido (low sex drive or too high of a sex drive). There is a section for women on womb healing. Many women are struggling with fertility issues.
Himalayan Singing Bowls with combined with somatic healing, will transform your life!